La table de Patrick Raingeard,  Cap Estel 4

June 4, 2024

Linda and I returned to La table de Patrick Raingeard on May 7, 2024, along with Carol and Gilles. It seemed completely unchanged in its setting in the luxurious Hôtel Cap Estel.  It was not warm enough to dine on the lovely terrace, but we could look out onto it from our table inside.

The Champagne cart was wheeled up to our table and the many options explained.

We chose glasses of Cuvée 746 Champagne Jacquesson.


There are four menus offered. We chose the Menu Découverte.
We ordered a bottle of
2017 “Les Terrasses de l’Empire” Georges Vernay Condrieu.

Very good.

The appetizers started to appear. The first little bowl was a “sorbet” with anise and pastis.

Oblong panisses, pissaladières, tomatoes with mozzarella.

Warm, fresh, soft bread in quarters dusted with powders of tomato, olive and other Provençale aromatics.


The bread cart was wheeled up to the table.

The server is cutting us a slice of the big wheat flour loaf.  There were small pains d’olive. 

The amuse-bouche was soupe au pistou

Diced vegetables in a basil flavored broth. This is a regional tradition.

The first menu course was
Rose de betterave cuite au feu de bois
Au caviar osciètre

A beet had been cooked over a wood fire. Thin slices were formed into a rose and put on a cream sauce. Caviar was put on top with fresh thyme. The beet had an intense flavor.

Langoustine juste rôti à la fleur de thym
Crémeux d’avocat et miso

A lightly cooked langoustine was on top of an avocado purée and a miso sauce..

We were about to run out of the Condrieu so, at the suggestion of the sommelier,  we ordered a bottle of
2017 Thibaul Liger-Belair Moulin-à-Vent.

A red wine that was not too heavy for the cuisine and had a lovely flavor. 

Turbot à l’andouille et sarrasin
Berlingots de concombres

A thick slice of turbot was circled with a cucumber slice. It was served on a sauce made with sausage and buckwheat.

Ris de veau et son travers confit, rôti à l’anis
Fèves et patates douces

A large veal sweetbread had been braised with star anise. It was garnished with sweet potato rounds, fava beans and little potato croquettes. Alongside was a square of caramelized veal. Very good.
There was also a glass of bouillon to drink with this.


The pre-dessert was lemon granité with white radish.

Dessert was
Craquant chocolat au jasmin
Graines de lin

A broad chocolate ribbon separated various goodies and flaxseed.

There were mignardises.

A cart with a solid block of chocolate with nuts was wheeled up. The server broke some up with a hammer and gave us pieces.

We were offered digestifs; Gilles and I had a calvados.

We had a lovely time with interesting, well prepared cuisine in an elegant setting. The staff was friendly, helpful and efficient. The pace was good except for a very long wait for the turbot. The unsatisfactory explanation was that the kitchen had to redo a course for another table of four.

⇒ Gourmet Restaurant, Èze, Côte d’Azur (06) | La Table de Patrick Raingeard ( 

To see all our meals at La table de Patrick Raingeard click here.



One Response to “La table de Patrick Raingeard,  Cap Estel 4”

  1. Tania Vartan Says:

    sounds like heaven!!!

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