The Café Sabarsky, NYC

May 5, 2008

This Viennese Café is part of the Neue Galerie, the museum of Austrian and German art next to our apartment building at 86th Street and Fifth Avenue. It does a good business all day long serving Viennese pastries, but it also has a breakfast menu from 9 to 11 and then meals, Schmankerln, until closing, which is at 6 or 9 depending on the day (or at 5 if there is cabaret in the café that evening.) Specialties such as goulasch, würste and spätzle come from the kitchen at Wallse, its sister Austrian restaurant downtown, but desserts are the big feature.

John, Linda and I had breakfast at The Café Sabarsky on Saturday, May 3, 2008. They both had the Kartoffelgröstl mit Speck und Rührei (Scrambled eggs mixed with roasted potatoes and bacon on the side) which they thought were delicious. I had the Schinken und Käseplatte (Bavarian ham and cheese plate.) Linda had a hot chocolate while John and I had cappuccinos; they were all served with a little glass of water in the Viennese Café style. We ordered a plate of excellent hot brioche toast for the table.

We had a table by the window looking out across Fifth Avenue to Central Park. The ambience was very quiet when we arrived at 9:00, but the room was almost full by the time we left. The décor seems very authentic, even including Viennese newspapers in a rack by the door. The room was dominated by a huge arrangement of dogwood.

It was a very pleasant experience. Thank you, John.

 Adele Bloch-Bauer by Gustav Klimt  (1907) presides over the permanent collection of the museum.


One Response to “The Café Sabarsky, NYC”

  1. Lewis Says:

    You even make a breakfast look great and make me wish I was there eating with you. I’m glad Linda enjoyed it after her disappointing dinner at Daniel.

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